If You Need Help



If you would like to shop for groceries, you will need an appointment.  Appointments are available on Mondays and Thursdays from noon-5:30pm.

Please call the Burnsville Family Resource Center at 952-985-5300 to schedule an appointment for the Farmington Food Shelf.



Through the Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors (NAPS), Second Harvest Heartland provides a box of nutritious food each month to qualified participants. Box contents may include canned fruits, vegetables and juices, milk, cheese, canned meat, peanut butter or dried beans, cereal, rice or pasta. This is a government-funded program. The Farmington Food Shelf distributes NAPS food on every 3rd Thursday of the month, between noon and 4:00pm.

Individuals age 60 and older are eligible to apply, with eligibility dependent on household size and income. Call Second Harvest Heartland at 651-484-8241 or toll free at 1-800-365-0270.


Emergency Bags

Emergency bags are a single bag of groceries, meant to get people through a couple days. To get an emergency bag, you will need to call the Farmington Food Shelf, 651-460-3819, on Monday or Thursday, noon to 6:00. 


Other Kinds of Help 

The Farmington Food Shelf has guides available that explain the resources of 360 Communities. Or, go online at 360 Communities.